
Unlocking Futures: Norwich Technical High School Hosts Center for DNA-Guided Medicine for an Inspiring Student Talk on Careers in Personalized Medicine and Allied Health Care Fields!

Norwich Technical High School Hosts Center for DNA-Guided Medicine

  • Student Name: Biotechnology Department
  • School: Norwich Technical High School
  • Class: Biotechnology Department
Norwich Technical High School (Dept. of Biotechnology)

Mr. Mohan Kocherla addressed 11th and 12th graders at Norwich Technical High School's Biotechnology Department, providing insights into personalized medicine and Allied Health Care career paths. The accompanying image shows Mr. Kocherla illustrating Center for DNA-Guided Medicine's day-to-day operations, engaging students in various activities across research and clinical departments. He encouraged students to consider the dynamic field of allied health care, emphasizing its expanding horizons. Notably, Mr. Kocherla highlighted personalized medicine applications in oncology, optimizing cancer therapies through genetic marker analysis. He also discussed genetic testing in cardiology for identifying cardiovascular disease risks and personalized medication selection in psychiatry, enhancing mental health treatment efficacy.

“Mr. Kocherla's presentation proved to be truly inspiring for the members of our Biotech Student Body.”

Amanda Pearson
School Counselor
Norwich Technical High School

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